For starters, the acting is tepid at best. So, surprise surprise – Prison Break is not as incredible as I remembered it to be. That’s where I’m currently up to – I vaguely remember another prison, possibly in Mexico, but I’m not up to that yet / maybe that was a fever dream. Season two is when they’re out and on the run. I’m not even going to bother with ~spoiler alert~ here because surely you watched this show. He uses the tattoo to map a breakout, but of course encounters plenty of hiccups along the way. Hot man with great eyes ( Wentworth Miller as Michael) tattoos the entire layout of a maximum security prison onto his body, then does a crime to get thrown into the same jail his older brother Lincoln ( Dominic whatshisface) is currently languishing in, on death row. I was either shoving everyone out of the lounge room at 8.30pm once a week, or carefully setting the old Foxtel box to record it.

Prison Break (streaming on Disney+ ) was THE MOST CREATIVE GENIUS INCREDIBLE show when it was released in 2005.

Except I did all the good ones like The Wire and even the shit-good ones like The OC, so now we’re down to shows you just know are not going to hold up. I smash anything new in one weekend, so when there’s a lull between fresh shows, I have to resort to rewatching nostalgic stuff. The perils of back to back lockdowns keep coming, because like so many of you, I’ve run out of TV to watch.